Help us redefine how consumers shop for clothes. We believe that every body type is unique and that one size does not fit all.
We are determined to help all our customers find the perfect fitting garment - without guess work and without having to compromise on size and fit.
We are looking for talented individuals who work well as a team and are willing to sacrifice high paying 9 to 5 jobs
for a chance to work in a fast paced start up environment that lays at the intersection of fashion and technology.
We earn our keep through hustle, being resourceful, and self motivation. Equity is earned with sweat and hard work.
You will learn a lot. You will grow a lot.
Tell us why we should hire you at
Specific roles we are seeking to fill:
Inside Sales/ Account Executive
Vastrm has developed a solid channel of distribution through a network of dealers and retailers across the country.
We are looking for high energy, disciplined and process oriented sales individuals that can thrive in a start-up environment.
Looking for people to help grow our partner base and manage an existing base of retailers. details